Successor Training Initiatives
We conduct training projects designed to train successors who will contribute to the international community and carry on the spirit of peace through the medical care of radiation exposure victims.
Hosting of Lectures and
Panel Exhibitions

We host symposiums, lectures, and photo exhibitions aimed at the general public to disseminate correct information on radiation and the medical care of radiation exposure victims as well as to present the reality of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki.
We also host panel exhibitions introducing NASHIM’ s projects to raise awareness of the significance and importance of international cooperation in the medical care of radiation exposure victims.
Creation of Awareness-Raising Books

To disseminate information on radiation and the medical care of radiation exposure victims, we publish the Radiation Q&A as well as Japanese translations of documents related to nuclear accidents in foreign nations as well as English translations of documents on the atomic bombing of Nagasaki for readers in foreign countries.
The Takashi Nagai
Memorial Nagasaki Peace Award
The Takashi Nagai Memorial Nagasaki Peace Award honors individuals and organizations in Japan and abroad who, in the noble spirit of peace of Dr. Takashi Nagai, have contributed to world peace through the development and improvement of medical care and welfare of radiation exposure victims.