Recommendation of Candidates for the 15th Nagasaki Dr. Nagai Peace Memorial Prize

Recommendation of Candidates for the 15th Nagasaki
Dr. Nagai Peace Memorial Prize

This summer marks the 79th anniversary since the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki witnessed the terrible devastation of the atomic bomb. Since then, both Hiroshima and Nagasaki have continued with great effort to work towards achieving world peace and to make sure that such a tragedy does not occur again.

However, looking at the world today, we can see that a large number of people have become victims of radiation exposure as a result of various incidents such as the Chernobyl disaster and exposure to radiation from nuclear test sites over a long period of time.

The Nagasaki Association for Hibakushas’ Medical Care (NASHIM) was established for the benefit of overseas atomic bomb survivors and also to assist victims of radiation-related incidents all around the world.  We at NASHIM use our expertise in the treatment of atomic bomb survivors to engage in international cooperation.

The ‘Nagasaki Dr. Nagai Peace Memorial Prize’ was set up, as part of our activities at NASHIM, in 1995 which marked the 50th anniversary of the atomic bombing in Nagasaki.  This prize honors the achievements of Dr. Takashi Nagai, who dedicated himself to helping victims of the atomic bomb, despite his own serious injuries.

This award was introduced with a view to continue the spirit of Dr. Takashi Nagai’s high   aspiration of peace. We hope that the award can help to foster development in the medical treatment for victims of radiation exposure all over the world and reward those who have  made significant contributions in this field of work.

This year, for the award ceremony of the 15th Nagasaki Dr. Nagai Peace Memorial Prize, we are currently accepting nominations of eminent scholars and organizations from all around the world.

We would appreciate it if you could distribute the attached information to the relevant bodies and concerned organizations.


1. TITLE OF PRIZEThe Nagasaki Dr. Nagai Peace Memorial Prize
2. ORGANIZERSNagasaki Association for Hibakushas’ Medical Care (NASHIM)
3. CANDIDATESIndividuals and/or organizations that have contributed to the development or improvement of research for the medical treatment of people affected by atomic bombs or radiation exposure and thereby improved the welfare of those affected by radiation, thus further contributing towards the goal of achieving world peace.
4. SELECTION PROCESSNagasaki Association for Hibakushas’ Medical Care shall be accepting nominations of candidates for the above prize from domestic or internationally-based academics or professional individuals, as well as universities, research organizations, embassies, governments and other bodies. The Nagasaki Dr. Nagai Peace Memorial Prize Selection Committee which is composed of academic experts will select preliminary final candidates out of the recommended candidates that they receive. The final winner shall then be selected by the Nagasaki Dr. Nagai Peace Memorial Prize Committee, which is comprised of scholars from related fields.
5. NOMINATIONSWe will accept only one nomination from each group or individual.
6. NOMINATION OF SELF OR OTHERSCandidates may nominate themselves or may be nominated by others.
7. NOMINATION PROCEDUREApplications may be written in Japanese or English.
Please fill in the enclosed application form and send to the following address:
The 15th Nagasaki Dr. Nagai Peace Memorial Prize Candidate Recommendation Form(PDF)
The 15th Nagasaki Dr. Nagai Peace Memorial Prize Candidate Recommendation Form(Word)
Conditions For Candidates For The 15th Nagasaki Dr. Nagai Peace Memorial Prize(PDF)

Nagasaki Association for Hibakushas’ Medical Care (NASHIM)
Atomic Bomb Survivors’ Affairs Division
Health and Welfare Department, Nagasaki Prefectural Government
3-1 Onoue-machi, Nagasaki City, 850-8570 JAPAN
8. DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONSNo later than Friday 30th August, 2024
9. PRIZE DETAILS;Prize will be awarded to one winner only.
A certificate, bronze statue and a prize of ¥ 1,000,000 shall be awarded to the winner.
10. ANNOUNCEMENT OF PRIZE WINNERNovember 2024 (provisional)
11. AWARD CEREMONYFebruary 2025 (provisional)
Venue: Nagasaki City